Monday, February 21, 2011

My experience playing Cityville

After playing Cityville, Zynga's latest installment of mindless and endless games, for a couple of weeks it became apparent to me that there wasn't a goal or purpose to playing the game. A few clicks here and a couple clicks there, the clicks start adding up to hundreds and even thousands of clicks depending on your addiction to the game. I soon grew tired of playing the game, there wasn't anything new or refreshing to the game. This isn't a new realization for me, as I did play the Vampire and Mafia Wars games in the past. If you want my two cents, don't ever play a Zynga game. At the end, you'd wish you had spent that time talking to a telemarketer.

If you haven't played anything like this and don't trust your self-restraint, this wiki how link, , will give you a pretty good idea of the gameplay.

I think the biggest draw to the game for millions of people is that is free and easily accessible through facebook.  Checking the website,, gives you a pretty good idea that this business/game model is working very well for Zynga. With Cityville sitting on top of the list with 95,240,263 monthly active users, followed by Farmwille another one of Zynga's games with 51 million monthly active users. Zynga owns 5 out of the top 10 on the App Leaderboard.

I'm curious when/if the masses will ever want games with a bit more substance than just clicking mindlessly, until they can build the next best business/house for their virtual city. I played Cityville for a while, getting up to level 34 but began asking myself what I could've done with all that time I wasted clicking on pixels of houses and crops.

I stopped playing and blocked the app after a week, but then a friend convinced me to come back because they needed me to accept a position in one of their community buildings. Well to my surprise, when I came back everything was just as I left it, even though I had gotten rid of the app. This is a little trick Zynga has up their sleeve, because once you leave many other games on Facebook the game data is deleted.

To assure myself I would never play again, I cleared my city.

Tada! I'm free. As addicting as this game is, the easiest route to take to stop playing is to demolish your city, then block the app on facebook so you can see notifications. Well, I figured since I had cleared my city I might aswell have a little fun with the open space...hahaha

Whats the Point? I don't know, and I'd be willing to bet that Zynga doesn't have a good answer to that either (other than to make Zynga tons of mulah). So for all 95 million Cityville users out there, why don't you figure out if there's something better to do with your time.

Yo Google! Thanks for the free minutes!

Yay! Free calls to the US and Canada in 2011! My cell phone minutes will once again be happy! Last year I used this service and was sad that it was going to be a subscription service in 2011. Maybe they can just keep it free after 2011 aswell...wink wink!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Thanksgiving Weekend Destiny...

Dear Blizzard,
Thank you for giving me to opportunity to be a hermit crab for my wonderful Thanksgiving 4 day weekend. I must admit that its been hard to wait for this upcoming week, seeing as I have missed playing World of Warcraft. But the thought of eating turkey while playing wow was pure bliss. I'm just hoping that I don't fall asleep from all that turkey in my system. This ploy of yours might just have the desired outcome of getting me to renew my account. With the world being chopped, diced, and served raw just like sushi, I can see only imagine how unlikely it is that I won't sign up for at least a month or two to enjoy the new look and feel of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. So with that being said, I think I'll take my week of gameplay now! Thx!

-the Hermit Crab stuffing his face with turkey

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Blogging!

Without stretching your brain too much, it may be easy to tell this is my first blogging experience. Having done research on the internet into many different subjects that I have been interested in, blogs were always a useful source of information. In the last year or so the thought of blogging had come to me but it wasn't until last week when I discovered my younger brother had a blog that I gave it more serious consideration. If he can do, why aren't I? I've always thrown the idea of blogging away because I was never sure about what to call it, until now. I've always been a procrastinator, which I'm steadily working on overcoming. So the idea of calling my blog "Punctually Late Thoughts" seemed perfect to me. My blog won't be about certain set of topics but more about anything that strikes me as being interesting or noteworthy. I decided to visit, to look up the definitions for punctual and late, and this is what I found.

Punctual: adjective

1. strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late;prompt.

2. made, occurring, etc., at the scheduled or proper time:punctual payment.

3. pertaining to or of the nature of a point.

Late: adjective

1. occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time

2. continued until after the usual time or hour; protracted: alate business meeting.

3. near or at the end of day or well into the night: a late hour.

This pairing of words seem to fit what I want to do with this blog perfectly, and allows me to blog about something that may have happened a while ago, following the idea of being “late”. I'd love to blog about stuff as it happens but with my school schedule I'm not always able to get to stuff when I'd like to or when it happens. So if you read my stuff it may be... Punctually Late.